The Kyosho WBD-5 parts bag contains the Ball Diff Shaft Set for the Lazer series ball diff.
The included parts are:
- 1 x sponge cup
- 2 x pressure plate holders
- 1 x collar
- 2 x thrust bearing washers
- 1 x thrust shaft cap screw
- 1 x thrust shaft t-nut
- 1 x thrust shaft tensioner spring
- 1 x t-nut cover
- 2 x outdrives
- 9 x small thrust bearings
Small warning: the WBD-5 parts set has changed over time and not all parts are backwards compatible. Always use a full pack of parts, or compare parts (outdrives and plate holders) to see which ones have been updated. Kyosho normally uses the same part number only when it is compatible, but seeing as the pack is intended as a full rebuild pack this is different.
The UM-121 bag has the same thrust shaft cap screw and t-nut.